Dec 5, 2018
In this episode, we focus on the topic of moods and how they act as powerful and shaping forces in our lives. Kari defines mood as a shared social phenomenon with the power to orient entire teams and organizations in both positive and negative ways. Moods can open up or close down opportunities in business and relationships, as is aptly represented in the story Paul shares in this episode. Paul provides an example of a time when a well-respected CEO allowed an overwhelmed mood to cost him future business opportunities. This CEO’s mood was such a debilitating influence that it affected not only his own health, but also the physical health of his employees. Kari deconstructs Paul’s story, making the connection between moods and assessments. She advocates utilizing awareness and assessments in order to manifest and cultivate productive moods. Finally, Paul challenges listeners to set three reminders daily in order to track their moods throughout the day. By mastering the subjective space of moods through this exercise, we can learn to work with moods more effectively.